If you strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, chances are you have attempted to make a green smoothie or healthy protein shake at one point or another. There is also a chance it didn’t go so well, or you didn’t add enough nutrients to it. When made with the proper ingredients, however, a green shake can be a very nourishing and important part of one’s diet. Green shakes can have you running faster, lifting heavier, and feeling more energized.
Food Research’s Vitamin & Mineral Shake is the perfect shake to ensure that you’ll feel like your best self. Many pre-made shakes are made with artificial, unhealthy ingredients that will have you feeling more sluggish than supercharged. Food Research’s shake is 100% food nutrition and is made with organic and wildcrafted ingredients including organic spinach leaf and wildcrafted grapes. It is free of corn, gluten, soy, dairy, synthetics, toxins, and all artificial ingredients.
Health benefits from the Vitamin & Mineral Shake include detoxifying, weight management, cardiovascular health, anti-aging, and enhanced immune health. Just two scoops combined with 16 oz of goat's milk provides over 20 grams of protein. The shake is also suitable for children and provides them with nutrients and vitamins that are essential for young, growing bodies. Food Research’s Vitamin & Mineral Shake is perfect for the whole family! Whether your adventure takes your family on a hike, a bike ride, or even a lazy day at home, 1-3 daily scoops of the Vitamin & Mineral Shake will keep everyone healthy, happy, and extremely nourished. Your heightened energy will be sure to make everyone “green” with envy.
Click here to shop for our Vitamin & Mineral shake.
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